Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2716 of 3212

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Subject: Snacks
From: Hana Rous
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:52:19 -0000

I admitted in a recent post,that sometimes I eat a snack.This is because I have 
diabetes and keep tight control of my blood sugar.If it drops too far, I must have 
something.At the moment I'm trying to keep extra tight,by having very little 
carbohydrate, rather than increasing medicines, It works, but I do need a 
"top-up" once in a while.I disregard this in terms of No-S, because It's 
not just giving in to temptation. it's part of my overall plan to avoid diabetic 
complications.I have managed to reverse the little damage I had to my retinas and I'm 
not having any other problems at the moment and I want to keep it that 

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