Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2721 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Hey friends
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 03:12:39 -0000

--- In , "BADaly" <badaly@y...> wrote:
> Sorry I have been MIA lately. My poor babies ended up with 
rotovirus and ear infections last week (and my son also had thrush), 
so it was a very messy, stressful week ending w/my poor baby boy 
being admitted to the hospital on Thurs for dehydration. He got out 
Saturday, and now both babies are feeling just fine, Mommy is just a 
zombie now : )

Missing in action indeed! :)
Sorry your kids had such a rough week... The funny thing is that you 
will probably never forget it, but they will.. Glad they are better 
I can't think of a situation which produces more stress than tending 
to sick kids. So much worrying and standing vigilant till they are 
better. It's rough!
Take care of yourself!
Are your children bottle fed? Unfortunately, if they are, this 
sometimes goes hand in hand with ear infections... Something about 
the fluid accumulating or something...My son nursed and his health 
was really great except for when he got the chicken pox at around 2 
years old... Had a fever of 103+ for three or four days straight. I 
freaked out, but he doesn't even remember any of it now.
Have a good week.

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