Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2725 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Information, Please!
From: Bonnie's Mail
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 07:52:53 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Helllo Dorcas, 
Well I make sure to eat some protein-meat or dairy, at each meal,
that helps keep hunger at bay, and be sure to eat plenty of veges, soup 
salad are filling, not too much white stuff...bread, potatoes and rarely
alcohol. I try to wait at least 4-5 hours before 
my next meal...not even a carrot stick! But if I need more than water, 
is diet pop, any kind of tea, and coffee, I put a little milk in it. Well
that is my No S plan.

-------Original Message-------

From: bountiekmd@...
Date: 01/25/05 07:23:21
Subject: [nosdiet] Information, Please!


This is my first week on Nosdiet and I really want and need to do this 

Please, can someone give me just a one day meal plan:
When; What; How much. How do you keep away from food in between time?


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