Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2738 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: crazymom23boys1girl
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:23:32 -0000

Hi us4savells--

Welcome! I thought I'd post my thoughts on the coffee issue. Keep in 
mind that these are just my opinions. I'm not sure what Reinhard 
would say with regard to how it fits in with the diet.

First, are you drinking your coffee with sugar as well as cream? If 
so, then I think you might want to slowly cut down on the number of 
cups per day if you can because I would think you'd have to consider 
it both a snack and a sweet at that point.

Second, this is not a radical diet, in my opinion. It's okay to hold 
onto your coffee habit for a time while you make other changes in 
your diet. Then, after the other No-S stuff becomes a habit, you can 
decide whether you need to cut down on the coffee in order to meet 
your goals. For example, I have one cup of coffee with cream and 
sugar in the morning along with my bagel. The thought of having to 
give that up right now makes me cringe. Eventually, I'd like to 
switch to a cup of tea, an egg, some fruit, and a piece of whole 
grain toast (or some other nutritious breakfast), but right now I 
just can't do it. So instead, I'm leaving breakfast alone and 
focusing on No-S the rest of the day. 

Third, the coffee issue may be more a matter of health than weight 
loss. I'm not sure that that much coffee is good for you, especially 
if it is caffeinated, which I'm assuming it is. If you're 
hypoglycemic, a hard-boiled egg or a piece of cheese might be more 
healthful choices. However, this is a decision that only you can 
make. If it's working for you and not preventing you from 
accomplishing your other goals (as in weight management), then there 
may be no pressing reason to give it up.

Well, I hope that helps. Again, welcome to the group!

Remember, this is a process. You're trying to change habits for the 
long-term, so it's not necessary--or even recommended--that you 
change everything at once.


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