Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2741 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: julie
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 14:34:09 -0000

> Dear Addict :),

Well from one coffee addict to another, i will tell you its a 
process. Coffee is not a nono on this diet I also must have 1/2& 
1/2. and if you need a bit of sugar in it, Reinhard would say its 
better than using substitutes(like i use). so if coffee gets you 
through the day and keeps you from snacking then so be it. I also 
have a tendency of being hypoglycemic, so what i did when i started 
this diet was eat extra at each meal, esp. breakfast and lunch. Then 
i realized after about a week that i was getting used to not 
snacking between meals. So I cut down my prtions. I have been 
following this EP since october,& got serious about it the first of 

this month. I was s sugar addict,snacker and over eater. so after 
nearly four months, i am no longer addicted to sugar, not a 
snacker, rarely ever over eat, maybe on an S day, & am now working 

on my coffee addiction. i was at 4 cups a day at home and work and 
one buckys a day on the road. which is probably equal to 2 in 
itself. Am now down to 1/2 cup when i get up, 1 cup mid-morning, hot 
green tea in afternoon and no buckys except on saturday( see my 
other post:)It has been a long process, but not painful. I was also 
a diet pepsi junkie and now have cut that out except a rare one on 
the weekend. So as someone else said to you, this is a process 
diet,not a quick fix, its not going to melt off of you just like it 
didnt instantly appear on your body. most of us have to choose to do 
this on a daily basis, most of us fail occasionally( we are real 
people after all), and we have been told that 12 failures under our 
belt is the normal before we will truly succeed and make this a life 
decision. So all of this to say to you: dont worry about the coffee 
right now, just the SSS. Thats enough to deal with on a daily basis. 
> So good luck, Julie

> > a long period of time, most things I do not want to give up...

!! so dont !!
There is no giving up anything on this EP, just posponing to S days

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