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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 20:11:15 -0500

I guess I'll throw my two or three cents' worth of "knowledge" into the 
with a few things I've heard about caffeine, which is the real issue, since 

it is the "active ingredient" of coffee.

Long ago I checked out a library book about caffeine...oh, here, I just 

found it, so now I can give the exact quote instead of a paraphrase. The 

book is "Caffeine Blues" (see http://tinyurl.com/3l4kl) 
and the quote is 
"...if caffeine were proposed today as a new food additive, the FDA would 

never approve it." At Amazon there is a fairly large excerpt online, and a 

variety of good reviews, if you'd like to take a look.

I have read that caffeine raises bloodstream insulin levels (as sugar does) 

which causes the body to store fat. (This is commonly warned about amongst 

low-carbers.) Anything that prompts the body to go into fat-storage mode is 

probably not attractive to the average dieter. =)

However, a friend of mine once had a doctor prescribe caffeine tablets to 

help her lose weight (a long time ago). It worked for her...so caffeine may 

also speed up the metabolism...? I've known quite a few skinny people who 

seem to subsist on caffeine and cigarettes...and I'm sure you know those 

people too. But in the long run, "skinny" isn't everything, is it? 

These two ideas are confusingly contradictory...and I guess I should read 

that book again. I don't think giving up all caffeine for life is 
necessary, but a little research before continuing to consume large 
quantities might be wise. I have a feeling that for most of us, 
"moderation" would be a good enough rule...but it does seem that certain 

people are more prone to becoming truly addicted, and side effects vary. I 

don't get much of a charge from caffeine and can be happy with decaf most of 

the time...and if I got enough sleep consistently, I think I'd be fine with 

decaf ALL the time. Hmm, there's a thought. Thanks for bringing this up 

because I think it's time for me to consider it again. Caffeine tends to 

creep up gradually.


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