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Subject: I love coffee! It's a fire thang :) TCM
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 02:33:24 -0000

Hey Nossers, I'm back in the (big LOL) saddle again...
Now for a little Eastern Med 101 about flavor cravings...
It's not the caffeine that coffee people crave... If that's all they 
were looking for they could have tea or mountain dew or just go and 
buy a bottle of dexatrim... It's the taste...Burnt and bitter.
In my beloved topic of personal interest, Traditional Chinese 
Medicine, there are associations for all the 5 elements in Nature, 
colors, smells, and of course taste associations.

Element Season Organ system Color Taste

Wood Spring Liver/Gall blad Green Sour

Fire Summer Heart/Pericardium Red Burnt/
Small Intestine Bitter
Triple Heater

Earth Indian Summer Stomach/Spleen Yellow Sweet

Metal Autumn Lung/Large Intestine Grey Spicy

Water Winter Kidney/Bladder Black/
Blue Salty

So anything "roasted" and burnt will satisfy someone with a Heart 

imbalance who is craving more "Fire"... Chocolate is also a fave 

amongst coffee people and although you might say that it's sweet, 
and yes certainly the Earth element is also involved, the underlying 
flavor, beneath the sweet taste, is bitter, from the roasted cocoa 
The big problem with coffee is it's diuretic effect... It overtaxes 
the Kidneys and depletes their store of "Jing" (the finite amount of 

prenatal energy we are born with, when the Jing is used up, it's 
curtains folks)
Often you will read that coffee depletes the calcium in our bones 
and it's recommended to have it with extra milk to offset that..
The Kidneys, in TCM, "rule the bones" So I believe that the calcium 

leeching is merely a secondary effect of the Jing being more 
Oh well, that won't stop me! :)
But I drink wimpy instant Tasters Choice Hazelnut flavor because I 
don't like the acidity of fresh coffee.. I might make an exception 
if I was at Cafe Reggio :) Now they made a good cup of Joe...
Love and Coffee!

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