Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2747 of 3212

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Subject: Signing out for a bit
From: Diane Sheats
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 00:14:53 -0500

Hi friends -

I need to go "No Mail" for a while so I can concentrate on some important 

projects. Even skimming and deleting is taking more time than I can spare 

now--especially because too often I must chime in as well! =) (This seems 

to happen with every YahooGroup I join!) It probably isn't necessary to 

make this announcement, but on the slight chance someone were to ask me 

something later, I thought it better to let you know I'm not here. =)

I will keep on NoS-ing and try to check in every week or so at the website 

to see what's happening...so don't worry, I'm not quitting just when I got a 

good start. If--no, when--I start needing smaller clothes, I'll let you 


As a parting gift, I'll share a small inspiration which some of you may 

enjoy. I recently read "No More Words" by Reeve Lindbergh, and in it she 

quotes some of her mother's writings, including the following poem:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I lit the candles in my heart
And opened wide the door.
"And are you she they call 'Success'?
Have we not met before?"

"It seems...but no...could I forget
Beauty so like a star?
Come, here is bread and here is wine
For you have travelled far."

"Child, I have been here every day.
You would not turn or rise
But called me 'Failure,' seeing me
Through tears within your eyes."

--Anne Morrow, class of 1924, "The Wheel"
Miss Chapin's School, March 1924

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm very picky about my poetry, but this one passed!


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