Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2758 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: us4savells
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:10:36 -0000

> I will say, that I think Ms.Savells really meant to say that if she 

> knew that by cutting out coffee she would be certain to drop 3 lbs 

> week, she would, not that NoS promises to lose her that amount 
> week... At least that's my read on her post..
> PS Savells, you sure "woke us up" to "smell the coffee" with 
> post... A popular subject it seems!

Hey - glad I could spice the boards with some caffine :c) lol
I think I can do one cup a day with my breakfast tho! I know that 
would make a difference!! And when I go out and can't stand it - I 
may do my non fat caffe mochas.... and if I'm really good - a bit 
longer on the treadmill to make up for it...
I really hope something works here!! :c) Cause it's really not bad at 
all! Going to do the treadmill now and then have 2 meaty slices of 
pizza leftovers :c)

Mrs. Kirstie Savell (lol) - there - now there is not more mystery as 
to who I am :c) he he he

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