Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2767 of 3212

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Subject: Re: It's very hard NOT to expect a huge weight loss r/o
From: julie
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 22:43:01 -0000

--- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> HI Kirstie,

You sound like all the rest of us, we have all tried everything out 
there, have been succesful with most all and have gained it all back 
plus more, mainly because none of them are EP you can live with the 
rest of your life.They are not reasonable, nor balanced. They are 
attractivee because of the quick weightloss, but after awhile even 
that lure wears off knowing it wont last. Of ourse you realize that 
DH will not be able to maintain that weight loss or EP, simply 
because life happens, the weight loss will stop, he will think he 
is "safe" now,he will stop his crazy plan and go back to eating like 

he used to. My DH was on the 84 bites per day plan. look for the 
post about it back before christmas, it was hysterically funny and 
not good for weight loss.We all post progress occasionally, as it 
really is helpful and encouraging to all. After all thats what we 
are here for.I personally am at 7# off this month.I credit that to 
my treadmill as that is the only change i have made to my daily 
routine since October when i started. Have also cut down on my 
weekly alcohol consumption as i had a sneaky feeling it wasn't 
helping.:)we are all so alike, but yet with different problem areas.
I only wish i knew about this in my 20's when it my dieting started, 
after the babies were born. Thats when my fad dieting started. I 
believe that the younger you are when you establish good eating 
habits the better. On another progress report i gave, i told of my 
13 yo daughter going from a size 13 to a 7 on this very plan. she is 
thrilled and is continuing it as a way of life. After all she knows 
it works, its healthy, won't kill her, or make her sick. i must note 
that she does DDR for exercise.Fun exercise. so please post your 
progress and tell your DH he better stop bragging or you just might 
strangle him with those pants next time.:)

WEll have a wonderfull SSS weekend. Julie
> I've done 6 week total body makeover - lost 30 lbs in 6-8 weeks. 
> has crept back over the last 3 years tho :c(
> Then I've done Atkins - lose 10 lbs in a week easily! And then 
> gain it back because I HATE the smell of bacon and eggs in the 
> morning 2 hours after I cooked it - *ugh*
> Then I've done SBD and it's too much healthy meat and veggies for 

> But that I can lose almost 10 lbs in a week on too...
> And DH is doing the "don't eat all day long until dinner diet" 

lol - 
> where he has lost like 20 lbs in a few weeks! And it's frustrating 

> heck. I know it kills your metabolism and I could NOT live not 
> all day long (being partially hypoglycemic - you should see me 
when I 
> go too long without eating!!! If I don't come close to passing out 

> get a severe headache, I am way worse than PMSing!! I am 
> You should see me waiting at a restaurant that doesn't bring bread 

> something!!! ACK!! :c) )
> So anyway, my point after rambling (which I am best at) is that it 

> so difficult to lose so slowly. I am going to put my scale 
> downstairs - #1 so that my husband will not come in every morning 

> while I am trying to sleep and show off his even bigger pants!! 
> #2 so that I know I am doing what I can and still remain happy - 
> that I'm certainly not eating MORe - so hopefully I will lose... 
> however slowly...
> Hey - can we post progress - so I can see how it works for 
> Maybe how long you have been sticking to it. If it's hard for you 

> stick to. What your struggles are. And how well you have done on 
> it... And anything else that sounds like cool info :c)
> I'd like to get to know you all and this "diet" better :c)
> Kirstie

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