Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2770 of 3212

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Subject: Re: It's very hard NOT to expect a huge weight loss r/o
From: us4savells
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 04:05:44 -0000

Well, DH CAN live forever not eating. He has no attatchment and very 
little need for food.... so he could stay thin forever it seems... 
he's happy. Not deprived... :c( Darn it
I told him the thought that he'd better watch how he brags about 
those pants or I may strangle him with them - I got a wry smile about 
that.... Guess some things don't need to be shared?? ;c)
So, I put my scale downstairs and won't be on it. Neither will DH I 
expect. It's freezing in the basement...
Thanks all for the encouragement!! 
Please NoS diet... work for me somehow... a bit fast... for my mental 

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