Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2769 of 3212

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Subject: Re: It's very hard NOT to expect a huge weight loss r/o
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 01:23:15 -0000

--- In , bountiekmd@c... wrote:
Forgive my ignorance, Kristie, but what is this 6wk. total makeover 
and what is SBD? Thanks! Dorcas

I think it's South Beach Diet... Well as long as it's not STD, it's 
Dear Kirstie, the quick fix is very seductive, and I am almost 
completely sure we have all done these kinds of diets in the 
past...Your husband may be dropping those pounds really fast, but if 
you think about it, how bloody long do you think he can go without 
eating during the day? Who could live like that all their life? 
From what I know, most people who are very good with NoS have lost 
at a rate of something like 20 lbs a year. But in all likelihood, it 
won't come rolling back on years later and that is very very very 
important... This is the real issue at hand, maintenence... I lost 
60 lbs over 2 or 3 years... Twenty pounds each year with some 
version of a "quick fix"... But last year when my guard was down and 

my feelings of depression really took hold, I gained nearly 50 lbs 
back over the course of the whole year... I hadn't changed habits at 
all and hadn't stuck with the previous methods (one was pretty 
healthy though, low carb but with fruit and veg, and very little 
high fat stuff like hard cheeses and butter, maybe it's time to 
start combining NoS values and rules with that system again, hmmm?)
You sound pretty psyched to do well so just get your good habits 
down in the first month and then start thinking of weighing 
yourself...Nothing worthwile is really attainable with a quick fix 
method, there's gotta be growth for long term changes to happen, so 
be a little patient girl!
PS... If you are that wacko when you are getting hungry, you really 
should get your blood checked... I got that way when I had 
gestational diabetes during my pregnancy...Woe to the poor devil who 
crossed my path when I was overdue to eat, scary sight!
Welcome again Kirstie :)

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