Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2772 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Tom
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 06:45:51 -0000


>ask what you feel has really changed for the better over this year?

I don't spend time hunting food between meals, a big timesaver and less distraction. 
have saved a lot of money not buying snacks, even the healthy ones I used to load up 
apples and almonds. My weight has stabalized where it should.

I had a nonmajor, successful foot surgery in August. The imposed rest put a few 
on. I stuck to nos, but now I'm getting back to my former activity level.

> what exercise are you doing? Urban Ranger perhaps?

I would, but I'm too rural. I like it here but often think if I lived in town I would 
drive maybe 
once a week. I've mentioned Urban Ranger to my city friends. It's another brilliantly 
thought. So, if I'm not out gardening and puttering around, any exercise I get is 
I do calisthenics, bodyweight exercises, and three times a week a martial art. Wow, 
sounds like a lot. It's not. I do a little bit often.


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