Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2773 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Coffee and Cream
From: us4savells
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:12:32 -0000

Right - Starbucks..... the fat and caloric intake of a Starbucks or 
Panera non fat cafe mocha is not bad.... It's 170 calories - only 5 
from fat....
A cafe latte non fat is 120 calories and 0 fat calories....
This of course is without whipped cream! :c)

So - that's not so awful, is it??
Because I do these drinks once in a while - used to be every single 
day - sometimes a couple of times a day... but this week I think I 
have had one. Has it done any good? All of this cutting out I have 
done? No, I still feel fat. I just hid my scale last night but hadn't 
lost a pound :c(
Well, I'm not quitting - I'm sticking this out for the next 3 weeks 
like you all said - and maybe forever, since this isn't extreme to me 
at all... I'm going to be very careful on weekends too - since this 
really is similar to how I've been eating forever now... :c)

--- In , Reinhard Engels 
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote:
> Hi Tom, 
> --- Tom <tomgunterman@y...> wrote:
> > I've been doing nos a little over a year. I drank a
> > big cup of coffee every morning - it got 
> > into a habit. I see no problem with it - it's just a
> > big cup. I don't put sugar in it and don't 
> > believe in lowfat milk, whole milk, or half and
> > half. I believe in doing it right - I use only 
> > heavy whipping cream. Anything else is water.
> Thanks for posting this. I drink my coffee black (and
> strong), usually, but that's mostly because I like it
> that way. I don't pretend there's a huge health/weight
> loss benefit in doing this, and when I do put
> something in, it's something real. The amount of time
> people obsess about the tiny little splash of milk or
> the couple sugar cubes in their coffee seems totally
> disproportionate to me. Especially when they wolf down
> half an Entenmann's cake at midnight to make up for
> this little virtue. You'd have to pour a *lot* of
> cream and sugar in your coffee to get anywhere near
> the caloric content of a coke. Keep the focus on the
> egregious offenders. If you feel the need to knock out
> coffee calories and are capable of making this
> sacrifice, great. But that's bonus at best. You
> shouldn't be worrying about bonus unless you've got
> the basics down.
> I don't want to undercut the resolve of successful
> dieters, no-s or otherwise, who have knocked out cream
> and sugar in their coffee. If this is you, great,
> you're a champ. But I do want to warn those who are
> having trouble sticking to the basics that stuff like
> this can be a dangerous distraction. If you're wolfing
> down coffee cake as a midnight snack, it doesn't
> really matter what you put in your coffee.
> Note: by coffee I don't mean the candy drinks they
> serve at starbucks and dunkin donuts ("frappe
> mochachino," "coolata," etc). These are essentially
> coffee flavored milkshakes. If this is what you mean
> by cream and sugar, then yes, it's a problem.
> > Also, don't expect 3 lbs a week. My advice, don't
> > expect anything. Just do it.
> Amen. That's the secret of this diet: there is no
> secret. You just have to do it. Don't worry "will it
> work?" It'll work as long as you do. And it's not that
> hard. The hardest part is resisting the sneaking (and
> erroneous) suspicion that there is a solution out
> there that does not involve work. 
> Reinhard

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