Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2783 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: Coffee and Cream
From: Hana Rous
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 11:19:17 -0000

That awful unhealthy Atkins Diet is famous for how fast the initial weight
loss is and that positively encourages fats. More sensible, when not taken
to extremes is DR. Richard Bernstein and his Diabetes solution. I think 
goes too far, like banning Carrots, for diabetics, but I have borrowed 
of his ideas on blood sugar control. I have achieved tighter control than
ever before and lost weight, by cutting down severely on eating
carbohydrates, and lost weight, several pounds since Christmas, about 6, 
I weight too often and fluctuate a bit. Of course I didn't eat loads of
sweets at Christmas, because I have to show my doctor the blood sugar
results and there's a test they do at the hospital, which they call the
truth test.It tells what the blood sugars have been over the previous 120
days or so(120 days is the average life of a red blood cell and they store
the evidence.) What all this ramble says is fats are not too detrimental 
weight loss and I do warn all you folks out there at risk of Diabetes,I
manage well with it, but not everyone does. Avoid it if you can
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "julie" <eternalrock1@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 6:49 PM
Subject: [nosdiet] Re: Coffee and Cream

> --- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > This of course is without whipped cream! :c)
> >
> Hi Kristie, There is nothing in this EP that prohibits whipped
> cream. There is no sugar in it ! and sugar is the "only" food 
> we do without until SSS days. So girl dont worry about it,I really
> feel you need to take one day at a time.
> > Has it done any good? All of this cutting out I have
> > done? No, I still feel fat. I just hid my scale last night but
> hadn't lost a pound :c(
> If you want instant results this ep is probably not for you :)
> > Well, I'm not quitting - I'm sticking this out for the next 3
> weeks
> Good for you, but beware, it might take longer, again, lets just
> look at this one day at a time okay ?
> > I'm going to be very careful on weekends too - since this
> > really is similar to how I've been eating forever now... :c)
> Remember SSS days are for ssing , dont be too strict on yourself or
> next week will be a killer. Nowi am on my way to Buckys to enjoy my
> Caramle Macchiato with whipped cream !! have a great SSS'N weekend
> Julie
> >
> >

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