Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2786 of 3212

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Subject: Eating the Old-Fashioned Way
From: gadway1210
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:40:54 -0000

Hello, All! I've been a happy NoS'er since January 1, and have lost 5 pounds.

Yesterday and today I noticed a happy thing: I am eating the way I (and virtually 

everybody else I knew) ate in the 1950s. i.e., most meals at home (easier to 
my plate, plus saves my energy capital [money]), eating three squares a day (and 

removing a "pebble" or two from the plate each meal, as per Reinhard's 
and, most significantly, enjoying my "feast days" the way God (or at least 
my mother) 
intended: as days of modest, occasional treats. I clearly remember as a young 

person in a small town in Florida going to the Royal Palm drugstore when I managed 

to scrape together a quarter, and indulging in a LARGE Coke (which was 10 oz. at the 

time!) and a bag of potato chips. Those items were just not part of our everyday 
They were indulgences, not food groups. I guess this observation will only resonate 

with the over-40 (or 50) crowd, but trust me, it's the truth. I distinctly remember 
only 2 fat kids at Sacred Heart School, and they wouldn't even be noticed in a 
fourth-grade class of today. But perhaps the above observations will be of some use: 

just remember, there is FOOD, and there are TREATS. NoS addresses this so 

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