Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2785 of 3212

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Subject: NoS moderated binge, it could have been worse!
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 19:19:57 -0000

Well guys, last week I had several days where I was off plan and 
snacking out of pure stress... I'm over that hump now and yesterday 
I weighed myself for the first time in about 2 weeks... I was up 
only 2 lbs... On the surface this may seem "bad" to some of you, but 

I consider it, actually, a triumph... No I haven't totally lost my 
mind (not yet! lol ) I say it is a triumph for three reasons:
1. My binge could have lasted for many weeks and even months as it 
did last Winter/Spring/Summer.... and it ended within days of it 
2. On any given day in the past of really really overeating, like at 
a smorgasboard or a party, I could, with total predictability gained 
5 lbs in one or two days, and give me a week, it would be more like 
7! So 2 is fairly innocuous in comparison to the old gaining 
3. I am not giving up and getting discouraged further... I gave 
myself a reality check, and now I have some info re: 

Seriously, a binge in the past would have dwarfed this weeks stress 
eating, so I am really proud that even "bad" eating behavior is 

changing now... The damage was minor but it wasn't by chance. I 
know in my heart, that NoS was impacting me in a good way, even when 
I felt out of control... It was *less* out of control.
So please people, cross your fingers toes and eyes for me since I 
will be trying to create my own "part time" job this week, working 

at a local womens gym doing chair massage... This will be a good 
thing for me even if I can only make a few dollars each day at it 
because 1. I'll be out and about 2. She lets me use her facility and 
it's fun.. One of those 30 minute aerobic circut workout places with 
upbeat music, where I will be able to move my bootie more than I 
have been lately. 3. Hopefully, if I stick it out and go there on a 
regular basis, not negotiable depeding on my laziness or mood, I 
will get my name and face known in the community and hopefully this 
will translate into more private clients at my office... She's 
letting me set up shop without asking for a cut, and I don't have to 
travel far (with my 18 year old, unispected Toyota which leaks 
everything! LOL) and pay for lots of gas....
Nevertheless, it's not a steady paycheck so I am still a little 
worried, as it's a gamble...Usually though, if people see a massage 
chair, they try it out, and if I go there religiously on specific 
days, she believes that with consistency on my part, people will 
start coming since they know I'm there. This makes good sense to me.
I will of course be praying my "pray-er" off a lot :)
Please, send me your good vibes folks, I would so much rather do 
what I was trained to do, than some menial clerical job...
I'll update you on my weight some other time when things change :)
Hope you are all eating delicious Ssses and having a fun weekend so 
far! :)

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