Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 280 of 3212

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Subject: Re: New Member
From: dangalishus
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 22:09:11 -0000
--- In , Dan McVicker <pirateman2k@y...> wrote:
> --- dangalishus <dangalishus@y...> wrote:
> > I am a new member of the NoS diet and I need all the
> > help and support 
> > I can get. It will be extremely hard for me to cut
> > out snacking and 
> > sweets and sodas. Please send some love.
> Good luck! Just remember the "wall around the diet"
> and... if and when you do mess up, don't use that as
> an excuse to fall off the horse completely! Once you
> realize what's going on, stop. And if you're battling
> temptation, remember that an S-day is only five days
> (at most) away!
> You can do this.
> Dan 

Dan, thank you for the warm greeting. I want to understand this diet 
a little bit better...basically, I can eat whatever I want as long as 
I cut the snacking, sweets and soda out. Is this correct? For 
example, I nibbled on about ten crackers today which was about 6 
grams of sugar. Should I eliminate crackers too or should I just 
steer away from the bad sugars..candy bars, pop tarts and etc.? What 
type of thing have you been doing to help you? Have you lost weight?
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