Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2801 of 3212

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Subject: Daisy daisy give me your answer true.....
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 20:03:38 -0000

(taken from classic songs about bicycles sung by a paranoid computer)
Ha ha, does anyone get this? :)
Oopsie I hit "send" before I wrote anything on that last one, so 

here's my reply to our Hana :)
Biking sounds like a great idea, however it will have to wait until 
I lose a substantial amount around my midsection... the position it 
puts me in, all stooped over, isn't really comfortable for my back 
or neck... It might work in the future, once my weight is down a 
lot, but with ten extra inches around my middle, it's a ways off and 
I would be happier walking instead... I agree on the ecological 
standpoint though, and my car sure does have a ton of crud coming 
out of it these days, plus, yes gas is crazy expensive now!
I used to love to bicycle when I was younger, still have the bike.. 
A Schwinn :)
...I even, in a crazed state of mind and lack of total sense, rode 
all the way up Bear Mountain in Upstate New York... That was in high 
school.. It took two hours for our party to crawl our way to the 
top, with some breaks, and about 20 minutes to cruise down to the 
bottom... I was crazy to do it, but it was thrilling... for those 
of you who have no idea what Bear Mt. is like, the road zig zags up 
the hill and there is no side barrier except for lined up boulders, 
to keep you from plummetting to your demise.... I wouldn't do it now 
for a million dollars!
So, today I went to that gym, did a massage for the assistant 
manager, who told me that she thought she probably wouldn't like it, 
since she didn't like getting massage from the Korean manicurists 
who usually are way too rough (and usually aren't licensed)...Once I 
started with her each time the front desk phone rang she groaned and 
said "tell them I'm not here!" LOL... Yay, another believer is 

born. She said she will certainly recommend me now! :) Then I did 
the 30 minute circut and it felt good. Went home, and had a nice 
hot bowl of homemade tomato soup with brown rice and a soy burger 
chopped up into it, topped with buttermilk (though I would have 
liked sour cream more!)...Now for some coffee! Later breaded 
chicken breasts and some mixed veggies for dinner...
Later will shovelglove :)
Peace and Love,

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