Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2812 of 3212

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Subject: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 03:28:32 -0800 (PST)

"Glass ceiling," as you may remember, is my cute,
punny two drink a day limit for alcoholic drinks (one
is better for women, go figure). It's not strictly
no-s, but drink related questions pop up a lot here so
I thought I'd post a link to this nytimes article.

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Some highlights:

Not only red wine but also white wine, beer and hard
liquor appear to protect against mental decline in
older women, two new studies have found.

Women who consumed about a drink a day (up to 15 grams
of alcohol, or about half an ounce), the researchers
found, had significantly better test results - so much
so that in their mental performance, they scored about
a year and a half younger than the nondrinkers and
those who drank 15 to 30 grams a day.

While most doctors have held that suggesting alcohol
as part of a healthy diet is too dangerous, Dr.
Stampfer thinks this approach should be re-evaluated.
"The evidence for its health benefits, both for
cognitive function and heart disease prevention, is
too strong to ignore," he said.

"The big challenge," he concluded, "is to make the
recommendation in the right way."

I think "glass ceiling" sounds about right...


P.S. You can start posting again. Didn't mean to scare
you all into silence!

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