Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2813 of 3212

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Subject: Re: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: us4savells
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 12:15:29 -0000

HI! I'm not too scared to post :c)
However great this info looks, I fear I MUST stop my coffee and my 
wine! :c( It's the last frontier as it seems my new exercising (I 
started weights very minimally and only a few days ago) with the 
treadmill I've been doing for 2 weeks and doing NoS for a week now... 
my jeans still fit tight. Combined with going to a fat % calculator 
site and seeing what % of fat my body is - it amazed me and made me 
want to shoot myself in the head!! I have been trying and it's done 
nothing so far and I hit rock bottom for a couple of hours last 
night. I couldn't even choke down my glass of wine :c( I dug out my 
pecan pie and 2 forks (one for DH) and CHEATED!!! I'm so evil1! :c) 
But I feel better now and I'm ready to exercise even more before I 
start to give up foods and drinks I love so much... It must not be 
enough or good exercise if it's still not making a difference...
Oops - I rambled again... and went off on a self pity rant....
I want to say that I would be very happy losing 15 pounds - I would 
be about a size 8 which I really should be happy with. I know it 
could be much worse... BUT I had 39% body fat and I think that was 
cheating a few cm in my measurements.... OMGosh!! That is NOT OK!!! 
SO - don't go to one of these sites if you want to feel OK about 
yourself. They will not do it!! :c)
And I will stick with my wine and try to up my exercise.... for 
now... and I'm not quitting NoS. I just had a momentary set back 
where only a cheat would perk me up... sorry :c)

--- In , Reinhard Engels 
<beautiful_idiot@y...> wrote:
> "Glass ceiling," as you may remember, is my cute,
> punny two drink a day limit for alcoholic drinks (one
> is better for women, go figure). It's not strictly
> no-s, but drink related questions pop up a lot here so
> I thought I'd post a link to this nytimes article.
> Free registration required:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/01/health/01drin.html?
> Some highlights:
> >>>
> Not only red wine but also white wine, beer and hard
> liquor appear to protect against mental decline in
> older women, two new studies have found.
> <<<
> >>>
> Women who consumed about a drink a day (up to 15 grams
> of alcohol, or about half an ounce), the researchers
> found, had significantly better test results - so much
> so that in their mental performance, they scored about
> a year and a half younger than the nondrinkers and
> those who drank 15 to 30 grams a day.
> <<<
> >>>
> While most doctors have held that suggesting alcohol
> as part of a healthy diet is too dangerous, Dr.
> Stampfer thinks this approach should be re-evaluated.
> "The evidence for its health benefits, both for
> cognitive function and heart disease prevention, is
> too strong to ignore," he said.
> "The big challenge," he concluded, "is to make the
> recommendation in the right way."
> <<<
> I think "glass ceiling" sounds about right...
> Reinhard
> P.S. You can start posting again. Didn't mean to scare
> you all into silence!

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