Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2815 of 3212

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Subject: Re: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 14:10:48 -0000

--- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> Combined with going to a fat % calculator 
> site and seeing what % of fat my body is - it amazed me and made 
me want to shoot myself in the head!! I have been trying and it's 
done nothing so far and I hit rock bottom for a couple of hours last 
.......Kirstie, you are being really too hard on yourself... 
Everything is relative...Okay, so you didn't lose anything in 2 
weeks. Perhaps if you weren't exercising and trying NoS you might 
have gained? I really recommend to try and be a little patient with 
yourself and stop going to these "if this doesn't work I'm going to 

give up" rationales.... It just means you need to tweak what you are 

doing...I have to admit I've had some doubtful moments here and 
there and it's because all the quick fix diets all worked, well, so 
*quick* so I got immediate satisfaction... But in the end, all the 
weight came back on, all 60 lbs! I know you really want to lose 
that 15 lbs off, who could blame you? But maybe for now, you just 
have to get solid with this program to the point that it doesn't 
feel like a diet and you aren't "cheating" but rewarding yourself on 

your s days, so that you can start to ditch that self-
depricating/beating up cycle and start to build some self 
confidence... I'm sure that if you stick with your exercise and 
don't *over* indulge, and really stick to the one plate rule, you 
will definitely see results...
Don't give up and relax your expectations a bit.. Just focus on 
forming a new relationship with your food....a happy one :)

Reinhard wrote:
> > P.S. You can start posting again. Didn't mean to scare
> > you all into silence!
.....It's not a matter of being scared, as Kirstie put it, it's just 
a matter of having the natural flow and momentum temporarilly 
It will come back :)

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