Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2816 of 3212

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Subject: Re: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: julie
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 15:15:45 -0000

--- In , "us4savells" <knk.savell@c...> wrote:
> HI! I'm not too scared to post :c)

HI Kristie,

Coffee drinkers must unite !! Dont give it up ! What are you 
thinking girl. Now get that mug out and have a cup of joe !

Now to be serious :), i lost nothing for several months, but really 
worked on breaking my bad habits. The older women get, the harder it 
is to lose, ask any woman over 30 and she will tell you the same. I 
also love my glass of wine in the evening, for me its my reward for 
doing well through the day, helps me relax. I usually have it with 
my dinner. There is nothing wrong with that. I also would like to 
see faster results, but this weight didnt come on over night, i put 
it there over a year, due to a job change. I am sure most can say 
the same. Just remember every thing in moderation.Today is a new 
day, so dont look back girly and day by day you will see a differnce 
in yourself.

Hang in there, we are rooting for you too ! 

> >> >

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