Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2819 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Bananas Read to the end, and see the results of a good banana
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 18:50:47 -0000

--- In , "Bonnie's Mail" <ronnieb1@c...> 
> BANANAS This is of interest-for any banana lovers like 
me.....Bonnie After Reading THIS, you'll NEVER look at a banana in 
the same way again!

....I don't *know* Bonnie, it seems pretty Freudian to me! LOL :)
Ha ha, thanks alot though... Yes bananas are one of those "power" 

foods which should be in everyones day to day diet for all those 
good vitamins and minerals (including potassium, which besides the 
vitamin b is also crucial in muscle and nerve function) And if you 
freeze it you can blend it into a yummo smoothie! Delish :)
Hey, you are what you eat, and it figures that a couple of my 
favorite foods are *BANANAS AND NUTS*!...
Remember that SNL sketch in which Anna Freud is describing her 
dreams and all the phallic imagery to daddy Sigmund, and he 
concludes her session with "Sometimes Anna, a banana is just a 
Well if its good enough for our monkey brethren, it's good enough 
for me :)

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