Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2820 of 3212

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Subject: News Flash: "Bananas curse postings"
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 20:15:34 -0000

Well I think there must be a cosmic disturbance of huge proportions 
to grind the conversations to a halt?!
Either that or the bananas post was bad luck...LOL Just kidding 
So does anyone know of a good remedy for insomnia which isn't a 
synthetic pharmaceutical? I stayed up way past my bedtime last 
night (for no good reason, bah!) and then I was tossing around until 
forever and boy would I like some good sleep tonight... Not that 
much on my mind other than the usual stresses, but I got my period 
and it was a bit uncomfortable...that was probably it.
Seems like the seasons are already shifting too and this always 
registers in my body, like when it's a full moon and everyone goes 
nuts. Not much new on the NoS front but I felt compelled to post 
something new...
I still think bananas are great! :)

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