Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2821 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Re: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 07:52:14 -0800 (PST)

Hi Kristie,

--- us4savells <knk.savell@...> wrote:

> I fear I MUST stop my
> coffee and my 
> wine! :c( It's the last frontier as it seems my new
> exercising (I 
> started weights very minimally and only a few days
> ago) with the 
> treadmill I've been doing for 2 weeks and doing NoS
> for a week now... 

This isn't a significant amount of time either for the
diet or the exercise. You've got plenty more left on
this frontier. Opening up new ones will just be a
distraction and an excuse to fail. 

> pecan pie and 2 forks (one for DH) and CHEATED!!!
> I'm so evil1! :c)

You're not evil, but don't do this. Keep the focus
here on these obvious failings before worrying about
borderline stuff that gives you a lot of pleasure for
relatively little cost. Besides, setting a precedent
that excesses like this can be made up for by extreme
deprivations is self revenge and terrible,
self-destructive psychology. What are you going to
give up to justify your next slice? 

> But I feel better now and I'm ready to exercise even
> more before I 
> start to give up foods and drinks I love so much...

Don't worry about ramping this up until you've got a
base. If you're doing some exercise and literal nos,
over time, that should be sufficient. Days and a
couple of weeks aren't enough to make a call on this. 

> It must not be 
> enough or good exercise if it's still not making a
> difference...

Cool it with the pecan pies and you'll see a
difference, trust me. Just give it some time.


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