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Subject: Re: More evidence for "glass ceiling"
From: us4savells
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 22:52:54 -0000

It's sort of frustrating in new boards because I sometimes feel that 
every thing I say is misunderstood because no one knows me. And then 
I feel like I want to explain how I meant everything....
SO - I'm doing excellent. And I have been for 2 weeks now... before I 
found NoS - I had already been doing most of this - eating fairly 
healthy, NO sweets - except maybe a Hershey's Kiss a day, only 
healthy snacks... NoS just helped me put it in perspective... I 
decided not to do any snacks - it's less calories afterall. And I 
decided NOT to feel guilty if the breakfast lunch or dinner I chose 
was NOT healthy. NoS has helped me enjoy my food more...
I was already on the mindset that I wanted to lose slowly - because 
as you pointed out Deb - I don't have too much to lose... I am done 
with the fad dieting and had been for quite a while now - because I 
do not want to feel guilty about loving potatoes, or rice, or 
CARBS!! :c) And because I have a way of eating and to fad diet means 
to change it. And fad diets WORK. FAST. But I would go back to my way 
of eating - with a vengance!! And gain it all back slowly or fast - 
depending :c) lol
So me now?? I eat no sweets. I had some leftover pecans and pie crust 
last weekend and made a pie. Because it was OK on NoS... and I didn't 
eat much of it - 2 small pieces over the weekend - because I didn't 
want to gain back anything I may have lost over the week on NoS. So I 
had lots of pie left.... And then I had that day where I calculated 
my body fat and when I thought I was OK and didn't have too much to 
lose - I saw that and knew I have a long way to go and it threw me 
for a loop I couldn't jump out of... so I ate some pie...
And now I'm done. And I'm not having sugar during the week. And I'm 
happy. And not deprived. And I'm working out... but slowly and trying 
new things. So I don't burn out.
Whatever changes I make - I want to be true changes - for a 
lifetime... not fad changes to make a difference for a short while... 
This time is different. This isn't just a new fad diet I discovered. 
This is a cool change in the way I view food... And from here on out, 
I will only be making small changes I can live with forever.... and 
when this works - I will be telling everyone what I have discovered. 
As a graduate of the Fad Diet Academy - I know it all and I know that 
they do not work unless you live on them forever. And that very few 
people can do that...
So - I've explained myself and my thoughts :c) 
Thanks all for the encouragement.... I'm doing great again...
**whispers** and I snuck down to my scale yesterday to find that I 
may have lost 2 lbs... trying very hard NOT to go there again! No 
more scale for me!!! :c)

--- In , "Debbie Feder" <deborahfederlmt@h...> 
> Savells "I've been doing for 2 weeks and doing NoS for a week 

> Engels: This isn't a significant amount of time either for the
> diet or the exercise. You've got plenty more left on this frontier. 

> Opening up new ones will just be a distraction and an excuse to 
> fail. 
> ....Amen Reinhard, it really isn't a good amount of time, I totally 

> agree... Here is where we are seeing the extremely detrimental 
> effects of "quick fix" diet mentality... Every weight loss plan 

> itself by advertising a certain amount you will lose in the first 

> week or two, so we are really seeing a serious mental obstacle, in 

> Kirsties thinking, which I believe we all have in us, which really 

> needs to be addressed directly...To drop the "immediate 
> with immediate results" thinking... I have thought this way many 

> times, and I will even venture a guess that our erudite and 
> wonderful leader has encountered thinking like this in his life 
> before "NoS" dawned on him :)
> It's a societally driven setup which we all buy into on some 
> If I think of more on this I will add to it later, but I've 
> got 3 clients today, a record for this first year of business! So 

> I'll pick up on this train of thought later.. Meanwhile, please 
> someone else jump right in! Okilly dokilly?
> > Cool it with the pecan pies and you'll see a
> difference, trust me. Just give it some time.
> Reinhard
> ...Again, amen to that. Kirstie, come on! You have 15 lbs to lose 

> right? Let me give you something to think about... You are young 
> and I assume your metabolism is up higher than mine, but maybe not 

> quite as high as my 8 year old son, soon to be 9 in the end of 
> Last year at this time of year, we had a unhealthy tradition of 
> having a "little" dessert each night.. I didn't really have that 

> much of this and my problem was seconds and just huge portions...
> Richard however, had 3 to 4 cookies an evening for dessert... I 
> allowed him about 2 or 3 sodas a week. He started to get a little 

> chubby after several months, and believe me, he is a very very 
> active child and can run around for hours a day. Still the cookies 

> were adding up on him. We started NoS in September and he decided 

> support my decision and do it with me... Since he has cut out the 

> cookies and soda only (since I allow him a healthy snack, like a 
> slice of bread with some peanut butter or a string cheese or a 
> of fruit, when he gets home since he is really hungry and he is 
> growing, unlike yours truly) he has gone down probably about 10 
> since his very tight pants are all now loose on him and you can 
> really see he has lost his stomach... If you only have 15 lbs to 
> lose and can stick it out for a few months of really cutting out 
> very fattening sugary stuff, not in a week okay!, you will do 
> great! :) In the meantime I think it's just time for some tough 
> and you should stop bringing in sweets to the house which you find 

> impossible to resist...Only you can make or break the decision to 

> successful here, and you are worth it....I let Richard have sweets 

> still but he has them on S days...So pecan pies?,,,save them for 
> Saturday and then "geh gesint" enjoy them then :)
> Love,
> Deb

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