Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2837 of 3212

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Subject: Re: News Flash: "Bananas curse postings"
From: hackedorf
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2005 21:06:18 -0000

--- In , "Debbie Feder" <deborahfederlmt@h...>
> > Warm milk, sweetened with a little honey.
> Oh, and a shot of brandy or bourbon stirred in :o) Works like a 
> charm! H 
> ....Thank you "H" :) I will pass on the brandy part, as alcohol 

> gives me a crummy feeling once the initial 20 minutes of buzz is 
> gone. But warm milk might help from the tryptophan... 
> Thanks for writing me on this, I don't recall ever seeing a post 
> from you before... Are you new or a "lurker" LOL :)

I've been lurking here a while, followed a poster over from one of the
uk low carb groups. Got to say, I think Reinhart has come up with the
simplest and most effective of ideas!

I'm a terrible one for getting off to sleep - every little thing preys
on my mind. So I'm currently on a combination of the warm milk as
above, and also a Paul McKenna cd to help people sleep. I just wish I
could find headphones comfy to sleep in!


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