Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2839 of 3212

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Subject: sleep therapy
From: banakabwe
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 16:53:41 -0000

well hi everyone,
i had been out of circulation for a while but i caught up on stuff 
through the daily digest.
Sleep for me is a beauty the kids and the fulltime job knock me off 
easily and it's great as i am normally a difficult sleeper i usually 
run out of sleep by 3 am.
Deb you would be "bana richard" if he was your first born, as kabwe 

is mine.
i am still enjoying the new lifestyle, in fact i am not measuring 
the weight as i have been stagnant but i feel better my backache has 
reduced significantly i've had since my last delivery 7 mths ago. 
i have also incorporated running/walking daily or if i fail a bit of 
something else. i am also doing sit up for my tummy.
i am not boasting merely thankful for the inspiration i am getting 
to finally take control of my life/weight. Simply put i want to stay 
alive for my kids and myself.
My family history is of diabetes, high BP etc. 
i hate the running but i love the afterglow and it is necesary for 
me to reach my goal.it's like one of you said i want to gain good 
Guys thanx for being there.

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