Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2840 of 3212

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Subject: Re: News Flash: "Bananas curse postings"
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 20:34:24 -0000

--- In , "hackedorf" <hackedorf@y...> wrote:
> Got to say, I think Reinhart has come up with the
> simplest and most effective of ideas!
...Yes, I agree :) Reinhard is our hero! Pure and simple, 
intelligent without being too cerebral... We love NoS and our great 
founder! Three cheers for Reinhard the fox :)LOL

> I'm a terrible one for getting off to sleep - every little thing 
preys on my mind. 
....That is a great way to put it "Hack" or is it "Dorf" LOL 
Prey is the perfect word to describe certain types of insomnia... 
I'm good now thank God, it was a temporary disruption of my flow 
which was a result of the first days of my cycle...

>So I'm currently on a combination of the warm milk as above, and 
also a Paul McKenna cd to help people sleep. I just wish I
could find headphones comfy to sleep in!
....So, what? Is Paul Mckenna so boring that it drones you into 
unconsciousness? LOL :) Nah that would be Kenny G!
Just kidding! I like a very soothing New Age guy named "Anugama" 

(though he was born Werner Hagen, I think?) His music 
utilizes "Theta" sounds and frequencies which are supposed to quell 

the brain waves and be very soothing... I use his music in my 
massage therapy sessions.
I also just started to use some foam earplugs.. It's interesting how 
this brings you into a more "inner" state because it blocks out the 

outside sounds but you can still hear your breathing and your 
heartbeat, like being under water... This was a happy accident for 
me, because my ears are so sensitive that when my mom is watching tv 
late at night, I can usually hear the dialogue from the show through 
both of our closed doors. So I tried out the earplugs and found it 
was very centering and relaxing as well as muting the tv.
So do you combine NoS with low carb at all? What is working for you?
Good luck!

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