Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2844 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Post in honor of my Dad
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 17:23:48 -0000

--- In , "cat" <jocee131@e...> wrote:
> congrats to your dad mine will be 90 in june that will be a big 
day i can remember his 80th 

.....Thanks Cat! :) Wow Ninety? That is certainly a milestone :)
We had a great time and everyone overindulged...Richard and I felt 
completely overwhelmed physically by all the quantity, as we are 
just not overeating like that these days... by the end of the meal 
he almost fell face down into a plate of whipped cream!
They served steak for the table that was an inch thick and the plate 
was about 2 feet long, filled with mountains of fatty charbroiled 
steak...unhealthy? Yes. But it was good I tell you! However the 
next day we both felt more angry than usual and I am certain that it 
was the high dopamine levels which were a product of eating so much 
Not the kind of food which creates calm and peace (ie serentonin)
like a bowl of mac and cheese LOL :)
So it was a major S day and you should have heard the 
collective "sighing" and "groaning" the guests did when they had 
shift from sitting to getting up and moving! Uhhhhhhh...... LOL It 
was funny :)
Have a great day!
Peace and Love,

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