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Subject: There are no "culprits" just choices....
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 15:28:48 -0000

I am on synthroid and up until 
about 6 years ago I could eat anything and not have a problem with 
weight but now my body has really changed. I guess the thryroid is 
one of the problems and age.
.....Dear Leelee,
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions about your thyroid. I feel 
that it's fairly uneducated to think that just because a certain 
percentage of people have thyroid problems or any medical issues for 
that matter, and metabolism concerns, that these would be yours as 
well... It's a cookie cutter approach to the body, divorced from 
existential experience...
A few years ago, someone gave me some unsolicited advice that 
perhaps I should check my Thyroid, and maybe that's why I was 
getting fat... Immediately I started to worry that I must have a 
dysfunctional Thyroid so I went and took a simple blood test which 
completely showed that that persons "diagnosis" and worries were 

completely unfounded and unwarranted.. My Thyroid was fine, and 
continues to be fine... I don't have a goiter either! LOL :)
So if you are worried go and get it checked, but don't worry till 
you do :)

The reason I loved Reinhard for finally posting a NO BULLSHIT diet 
is that he doesn't add to the fanatical band of alarmists out there 
who worry about every little molecule being possibly toxic or 
the "source of our diet problems"...Now I don't think I'll start 

smoking or doing massive amounts of crack cocaine in the near 
future, but I will say that I feel that the body actually benefits 
from having some toxins in it... it stimulates our immune system to 
some extent...And, please don't get me wrong now, you know that I 
have a high regard for science, but even Paul Nurse the 2001 (or was 
it 2000) Nobel Peace Prize awardee for molecular biology and genetic 
studies, seemed to think that society places too much emphasis on 
Science having all the answers in black and white form, and that 
Life and our bodies are much more mysterious than we could ever 
imagine, much more complex, and emphasized the "Life enviornment" 

factor in a big way, eg: a Japanese Woman in Japan, versus a 
Japanese Woman transplanted into the US culture, with all the 
stresses and variations which play into our health...Be present in 
your body and you will have all the information you need if you 
really listen :) And take Paul Nurses advice and "Look to the Stars"
I think great advice.. Who are we anyway? Insignificant specks on a 
Universal scale, so why be so overly introspective...Don't lose the 
forest for the trees...
I will leave you with a very grounding piece of advice from the 
esteemed Dr. Bobby McFerrin...
"Don't Worry"..... :) Keep making choices that "feel" 
PS... How is golf going lately? Are you turning into a "Shooter?" 

LOL :) And what about your exercise machine down in the rec room? :)
Love and Hugs!
(a recovering worrywort and overly introspective neurotic)

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