Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2856 of 3212

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Subject: dinner out
From: julie
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 14:39:06 -0000

I just had to tell you all about this.I was at my familys house for 
dinner last night. They are all on Dr. Phils diet. My poor sis is 
cooking from his diet cookbook ! Well we all know what diet receipes 
taste like. Blahhhhhh.Whatever she cooked with i felt so sick later 
on and was in serious pain. I think it might have been an artificial 
sweetner she used .They have done well on the diet, her husband 
losing 20# in one month ! extreme ! her and my mom have each lost 
about 6-7#.Of course we were all talking about diets we were on and 
how they have worked, i casually mentioned my three rules that i 
followed and how i have done, breaking bad habits, slaying the 
addictions etc... and that the problem with many fad diets is that 
you cant stay on them forever. eventually you will go back to eating 
like before, so that by breaking the habits of over eating, sugar 
and snacking, i wasnt really giving up anything, but still losing 
weight. I personally felt that it was a new concept for all of them 
to think about." MODERATION" By brother inlaw said " you are right, 

i would not do the Dr. Phils diet if it wasnt for his wife cooking 
for him" healthy meals" He even went so far as to say that his 

problem wasnt what he ate so much as how much he ate.Interesting !!

I know many out there use this approach along with another diet, and 
thats fine if thats what they want to do. For myself i just prefer 
regular food, just less of it :)

So i dont think i will be eating at my sisters home anytime soon, at 
least while they are on the diet. To be totally honest, it wasnt all 
bad, just bland. I noticed everyone was salting their food like mad 

I will stick with NOS !


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