Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2859 of 3212

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Subject: Re: another question...
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:29:33 -0000

--- In , "ivyliciousness" <ivy.beans@g...> 
> i'm only 19 (am i the youngest here? i've always kinda wondered) 
...well are we talking, the youngest mentally? LOL :)
No, my son Richard would be the youngest NoSser.. He is nine years 
old... he does a 75% version of NoS... I just allow him to have a 
little after school *healthy* snack and maybe one extra sweet a 
week... (as opposed to the cookies every night last year, and coke a 
few times a week to boot)...
He hasn't posted yet, but maybe I will join him up officially and he 
will give you his own special advice! Out of the mouths of babes...

> i've been an emotional eater since high school and i do NOT want 
to be this way for the rest of my life!! 
...You are certainly not alone here Ivy...Fortunately you really 
want to nip the bad habits while they are not as bad as they could 
be. Keep your mind on that goal and get total "tunnel vision"... 

When you have a "bad week" as you put it, just acknowledge it, learn 

from it, and forgive yourself.. Then most importantly, move 
forward... For me, moving forward has been an zig zaggy line, but 
nothing is knocking me off my horse... Maybe one "S" is your most 

damaging, maybe sweets? For me it's just large portions and 
seconds... Whatever you do, remember that if you screw up, just say, 
like Reinhards page says "I screwed up" and just continue on 

trying... Use your "burning desire" to be healthy for LIFE not just 

for a few years, to gradually change the old habits to healthier 
ones. Try to look at all the good things you do for yourself, stay 
off the damn scale and don't despair.. it may take, as everyone 
knows here, 12 attempts to really click! Also, I often find that 
when I am really upset about something I just put on some music to 
pick me up or play guitar, or just get the heck out of the house...
It's pretty hard to eat a bag of Nachos when you're strumming a 
Grateful Dead song...
Anyway, baby steps girl! You are just a NoS baby after all :) 
Good luck and feel free to write about the downs as well as the ups 
as they are part of your journey to wellness :)
Oh and by the way, get back on that wagon and ride girl!!!

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