Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2860 of 3212

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Subject: Re: another question...
From: julie
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 18:30:16 -0000

--- In , "ivyliciousness" <ivy.beans@g...> 
> Oh Ivy, i was wondering about you and what happened ? You may be 
the youngest, though most of us would avoid giving our age, i am 41 
and have a nearly 19yo daughter. Emotional eating is a tough one 
and the only way i have found to not succomb to it, is to not have 
the food around to eat. In other words make your home/apt food safe 
for you. I am sure there are certain foods you go for when you are 
emo. Dont have them around !! Tell yourself that if you still want 
that food, you can have it on sat/sun. Try instead of eating to 
drink a bottle of water, glass of tea, something without sugar of 
course.I speak from experience here in that most women are emo 
eaters. Unless i am mad then its just the opposite, too mad to 
eat ! There will always always be crap to get emo about for the 
rest of your life unfortunately. Learn to deal with emotions now in 
a good way and not when you are 30 or 40 and the bad habit is 
inbedded in your emotional makeup. Its hard to break that one, 
believe me :)))Keep checking in and keep us posted so we can 
encourage you and be there for you. You know you can do this !
We are all rooting for you so hop back in the wagon girly !


> even though i'm still just a lurker, i love reading all of your 
> inspiring, informative, and funny e-mails :) keep em comin!
> on to the question...
> i'm only 19 (am i the youngest here? i've always kinda wondered) 
> i've been an emotional eater since high school and i do NOT want 
> be this way for the rest of my life!! (especially since it clashes 

> pretty badly w/ NoS :\ ) how do you all deal with emotional eating 

> impulses? i've been having a terrible week and i'm falling off of 

> the wagon...help me back up! lol...
> <3ivy

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