Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2862 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Culprits
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 21:54:56 -0000

--- In , "lee33183" <lee33183@y...> wrote:
> Hi Dr. Deb. Thanks for the concern.
....My prognosis is that you need a massage!
I prescribe at least ninety minutes of relaxation and good vibes 
with no distractions! :)
Refill this prescription whenever needed!
"Dr." Debstar :)

My mother had it too so I don't know if it is one of those things 
that runs in families.
....don't you wish it would "run" out of the family already?

> Hope everyone is doing well. I could be doing better.
....Go and see Albert and play some golf, or better yet, take Albert 
to play golf with you!!! Then indoctrinate him into joining NoS just 
for the heck of it!.. If that isn't fun enough, go and light some 
sage smudge sticks around 3 times counterclockwise
in your bedroom and light some candles.. This almost has the lovely 
effect of smoking a joint, without the illegalities and obvious 
health issues :) I am watching a Monty Python tape now, and that is 
really cheering me up :)
Wow that sage is really getting to me.. Gotta go and watch Eric Idle 
act silly and look funny, now :)

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