Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2861 of 3212

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Subject: Culprits
From: lee33183
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 21:22:48 -0000

Hi Dr. Deb. Thanks for the concern. I have been on synthroid for 
about 5 years now because of my underactive thyroid. I get tested 
every year. I really didn't think I had any symptoms when it was 
first found through my regular check up. Some other things showed 
up the doctor wanted to address first which all turned out ok. Then 
the next year the thyroid test showed a problem again so he put me 
on synthroid and I have been on it ever since. My mother had it too 
so I don't know if it is one of those things that runs in families.

Hope everyone is doing well. I could be doing better.

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