Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2880 of 3212

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Subject: Starve a cold?
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:45:09 -0000

Somehow I don't think our family was brought up with this concept...
My son is home today (rah I am stuck in the house!) with swollen 
glands and a red throat...First thing I worry about is *food*!
So, it's not really an S day for us, but I am bending some rules...
For instance, I made him pancakes with syrup to cheer him up this 
morning, and I will probably have several more cups of coffee, with 
sugar, than usual...But there's no way in the world that I am going 
to let those 3 pounds go back onto me, and I am going to really try 
not to overeat...Because I love myself! :)
Well at least I will be getting a bunch of chores done and a few 
projects I have been putting off, like rearranging my stereo so that 
it's easier to get at, plus hanging the speakers, and now that I'm 
home anyway, I won't feel guilty that I'm not doing something else 
more important, like looking for more work.. I am really a bit 
pissed that I'm not getting to go to that gym but, hey, fortunately 
I have a great home exercise tool for situations like this!
Thanks again Reinhard for SG..
I will probably make some nice soup later, but this time, I am 
dividing it into plastic containers first, before eating too much 
like *last time*! How does split pea, lima bean and barley sound?
I am grateful Richard doesn't have a real bad flu with a fever at 
least, and we shall see if the vitamin C stuff that I love helps him.
Love and Peace, 
Wishing all a great day/eveing :)

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