Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2881 of 3212

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Subject: checking in
From: banakabwe
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:51:32 -0000

hey how are you all. Congrats Deb, welcome chris and keep it up all.
The week has ended and it has been a long one for me i also had a 3 
day workshop which meant coffee and biscuits at 10am and 3/4 pm.
i reduced my other meals a bit to offset, but truthfully i felt a 
bit down. i've been jogging everyday and no sssing daily but i 
didn't see the impact on the scale. i know that's not the only thing 
etc but i wanted a little bit of physical gratifying reward. well 
i've had my lapse time to walk on.
You know to get big you don't even notice the weight ple on but it 
is hell to shake it off.
Anyway enough of self pity Deb howz the work situation you sound 
i gotta get back to the kids , love to all


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