Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2888 of 3212

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Subject: Re: checking in
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 02:55:25 -0000

--- In , "banakabwe" <mpunduc@z...> wrote:
> >but truthfully i felt a bit down. i've been jogging everyday and 

no sssing daily but i didn't see the impact on the scale.
...Sorry Priscilla, here's a hug! :)
The scale is so annoying! I actually weigh myself about once every 
9 days and sometimes longer... I smashed my original scale with a 
sledgehammer, and I suggest you do the same...
I will try to remember how Reinhard put it (feel free to chime in 
Rein, help!)
"No inaccurate machine can tell you whether you have been on plan, 

or have tried your hardest, or have changed some habits" or 
something to that effect...Just stick to your changing habits and 
then, if things really aren't changing, possibly keep a little chart 
of the really fattening foods, not necessarily sugar only, or notice 
if your portions are just a bit too abundant... Maybe you are doing 
things to the letter, and your body is just saying "hey Banakabwe, 

what are you trying to do? Kill me?" LOL and possibly you are 
hanging on to the weight because your body is temporarily in a state 
of shock.. This *can* happen... but once it realizes that you are 
1.not starving, just cutting back 2. able to continue exercising, it 
will know you are alive and the pounds will start to move... be 
really patient with NoS... I think, to be fair to his newbies, 
Reinhard would be very smart and encouraging to also mention how 
active his lifestyle is.... I don't know if he Urban Rangers in the 
Winter, but I think for a long time he did, as well as Shovelglove...
I just don't believe that any diet plan is enough without activity 
as well...so, keep up your jogging and next time, have a biscuit at 
10 or 3, but not both :)
Try to increase your water too, as I think it helps the body lose 
weight, or at least you will flush out your pipes :)

but i wanted a little bit of physical gratifying reward.
....My best reward, from NoS so far, is the good feeling, after 
months of doing this now, that I have, when faced with the option to 
pig out and feel like sh%#, or just eat like a normal person, and 
choose normal...This is physically gratifying and spiritually 
gratifying... if all else fails, ask your husband to come over and 
give you a little squeeze, wouldn't that be gratifying? :)
Scales are not gratifying, and they are not physical..
They are A-holes! Don't let that hunk of junk ruin your good week...

> You know to get big you don't even notice the weight ple on but it 

> is hell to shake it off.
....Amen Sister, double amen! Just keep trying till you can't try 
anymore (which means when you are dead) you will find a way to make 
it work... Be determined, but be patient...My 3 lbs off is the first 
loss I have had since December.... I could have quit back then and 
been up an additional 20 lbs by this time if I were to get really 
disheartened...Your mantra for this week is
"I can do it"
Heck, you are jogging? That is great! You are strengthening your 
heart... Yay Banakabwe!!!

> Anyway enough of self pity Deb howz the work situation you sound 
> well. 
...Thanks for asking :) It's really slow and sporadic... I keep 
going on interviews that lead nowhere! Ahhghhrrr.... But this too 
shall pass (hey Chris, I used your favorite quote!)
Me sounding well? It's all a facade..LOL :)

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