Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 564 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Splenda
From: Dan McVicker
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 08:44:16 -0800 (PST)
Please beware:

Splenda (at least in the packets) is dextrose (a
glucose polymer) and maltodextrin (another glucose
polymer) with a little bit of sucralose. This means
that the carbohydrates that actually ARE in the
Splenda cause a more rapid insulin response than
actual sugar (granted, there are a lot less of them).
I know this isn't a low-carb diet forum, but I think
the reminder "don't go overboard on sugar substitutes"
is still good advice.

In other words: a pack or two in your coffee or iced
tea won't kill your diet, but a whole box might.

Nos is a path of moderation, and as such, be moderate.
Remember that the "letter of the law" includes sugar
(!) in your coffee/tea/oatmeal. "No sweets" is meant
to evince things like candy, cake, pie, Little
Debbies, Coca-Cola, and Moon Pies. Obvious
diet-ruiners if indulged in regularly. (Of course, if
you're drinking three pots of coffee a day with a ton
of sugar and cream in each of them--you know what your
"S" is. My mom gave up drinking for Lent, and she is
"magically" now losing weight. Her "S" was Red Wine.) 

My personal pick would be honey as a sweetener--it
causes the most gentle insulin response. Of course, in
actual practice, I use quite a bit of sucralose,
aspartame and even saccharin. Honey just doesn't taste
right in coffee. 

Back to nursing my hangover. I need to follow the path
of moderation on Friday nights. 


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