Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 763 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Quiet week
From: Maxine Smith
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 17:25:03 -0700 (PDT)
This has been a hard week for me. My daughter and her fiance have moved in with me 
just this week. It has thrown everything off and I have to say the diet has not been 
much of a priority. But I can see I need to get back into it and back on my own 
schedule. Thanks for keeping me aware. Please keep up the encouragement. 


Reinhard Engels <beautiful_idiot@...> wrote:
It's been unusually quiet in this group this week, I
think partially because of a hideous html error in the
nosdiet home page which I only noticed after a week
and I'm sure must have frightened away prospective new
members, but possibly also because it's late enough in
the year for people to have forgotten new years
resolutions but too soon for bikini terror. I hope you
old timers are doing well, at least. Feel free to
complain, confess, brag, or ask questions.

Nothing else to report. Just wanted to break a
potentially intimidating silence.



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