Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 771 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] Quiet week [Swednesday]
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 05:45:26 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Sophie,

Swednesday is a killer :-).

Wild weekends will happen, especially at the
beginning. But taking a big picture view, exceptions
aren't a problem as long as they stay exceptional.
Keeping "swednesdays" out of the picture and being
comically strict during the week means you've got
(about) 5/7 of the problem licked. This is huge in
itself. And your habits will carry over. That's the
way habit works. Do something consistently and it
starts doing itself.

My sense is that most people who worry about weekends
would be better off putting that energy into the week.
If they can't keep the week strict, then adding the
weekend is hopeless. It's like trying to deal with
*illegal* immigration by getting rid of *legal*
immigration: what you're going to wind up with is
excuses and exceptions creeping in all over the place
because they have no limited, legitimate point of

The normal cookbook thing is probably the best thing
this diet has going for it. I love good food. If I'd
had to choose between carrying about 40 pounds of
excess fat and having to forsake good food, I think
I'd still be walking around with the 40 pounds (or
more). Eating well is up there with eyesight as far as
the things I value in this world. But with the
nosdiet, not only did I *not* have to make this
choice, I enjoy food more.

Best of luck!


--- TSHandelman@... wrote:
> Thank you for sharing this sane way of eating. I am
> just getting started 2 
> weeks with some slip ups along the way -- like
> Swednesday! -- so I am still 
> trying to be comically strict. It's hard to believe
> I will actually lose weight 
> this way since I never ate very big meals just lots
> of snacks and nibbling 
> here and there. Now meals are something I look
> forward to and I am actually 
> hungry!
> You're so right about eating being a way to
> procrastinate. I am getting so 
> much more done in a day!
> What I like best is being able to open a normal
> cookbook and just ask my 
> family what they want for dinner without having to
> make myself something special 
> and weird. I have actually eaten a sandwich which
> is something I had not done 
> guilt free for years!
> I must admit the freedom is scary but the three
> rules are comforting. I do 
> seem to have lost two and a half to three pounds. 
> My fear is that a wild 
> weekend could put back the weekly losses and I could
> just keep gaining and losing 
> the same three pounds. I suppose the key to "S"
> days is moderation?
> Thanks again!
> Sophie 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]


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