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Brian, I'm happy not just that you've lost all that weight, but are succeeding at the less glorious but equally important (and far trickier) maintenance part. It's normally difficult to stay motivated when there is no visible "progress," even if you're at your goal and further progress isn't really necessary. This is where complex and restrictive diets become really onerous. Since the nosdiet is really rather pleasant once you're used to it (and I'm glad to hear that this is also your experience), maintenance is much easier. Thanks for letting us know! > At Reinhard's invitation, I want to brag about my > progress! I started this sometime last summer or > fall, can't remember exactly. I lost 40-50 lbs and > seem to be holding steady around 185lbs for several > months now, which is good for my height and i'm > happy with it. I'm still doing no-s, it seems once I > got to my ideal weight I stopped losing it. > > Sensible balanced eating. No way-out menu's. I love > it! I've never felt so content about my weight or my > appetite. > > Still have urges and break-outs from time to time, > but they're not the gluttonous food orgies they used > to be. > > Love, Brian Melanie, I'm glad to hear that even less than perfect nosdiet adherence has helped. I think a lot of people eat so much and move so little that even slight improvements in these areas can have remarkable results over time. Keep at it. Stay patient. Good habits are like compound interest, they work slowly, but over time, there's nothing more powerful. Reinhard |
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