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Hi Kitrin, The critical thing for the first day(s) is to give yourself sufficiently generous portions. Don't be overambitious, just try to stick with the rules, and assume that'll take big firsts. It's easier to gradually adjust portions downwards than recover from hunger induced off the books snacking. This is especially important since you say that grazing rather than sweets or seconds is your big issue. Don't risk the habit for a one time calorie loss. That's like risking a steady job for found money. Habit formation has to come first. By the same token, be careful about drastically cutting coffee/tea at the same time. Succeeding at something realistic is infinitely preferable to failing at something perfect. I've developed a taste for black coffee and tea without sugar or sweetener. You might want to give that a try. If that sounds disgusting to you, do try to make sure you have *some* replacement beverage on hand to pinch hit. Nothing beats water, if you can get away with it. Tricks for making water more palatable that have been suggested in this group include squeezing in a lemon and drinking it out of fancy bottles (psychological, yes, but so are we). Drink before you get thirsty, because thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger and that might not play out so well. If you're not into sugar cereal or pop tarts for breakfast, I don't think you'll have much trouble coming up with *what* to eat, that's one of the charms of this diet. But do bug us if you're stumped. Good luck, and keep us posted, Reinhard --- kitrin1970 <kitrin1970@...> wrote: > My plan is to start full swing tomorrow morning. I > have already been > watching my portions and my grazing in the last few > weeks but have > not been so as strict as I should. I know I eat > more than I should, > mostly through grazing. My meals tend to be small so > I will have to > try bigger meals to start off with to curb that need > to graze. > Sweets are not really an issue for me. I will be > cutting my coffee > and tea intake to try to reduce my sugar intake > though as i drink at > least a full pot of both a day (an IV and liquid > caffination would > be much simpler no?) > Any words of advice to make it through the first > day? Food > suggestions? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > |
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