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<snipped for your reading simplicity> Good luck, and keep us posted, " [and helen said] Well my first day I flubbed I slept in leaving me with no packed lunch for work I work in a convenience store Yeah I had junk today but I did not snack! I made the things into meals. Egg and cheese english muffin( though highly processed) Coffee and a special K bar for breakfast Hotdog baked lays and diet soda for lunch Kept myself to two large coffees at work today Switched to half and half cream from heavy.. and have stopped adding the flavour shots to them since they are full of syrops and sugars. The sugar replacement we have at work is sweet and low.. and I really do not like it.. so I will look for a box of splenda singles that way I can toss a few in my purse. Tea at work sucks.. when I make tea at home I only put a half a teaspoon in a cup anyhow.. so I will drink only tea at home now.. to avoid that double/double trap. Dinner was not great either.( not my night to cook ) Bbq'd burgers.. At least I know they were made with lean meat and they were grilled instead of fried.. And I am full Sorry for the run on sentences.. I can barely think.. I am so tired from today at work. I still have to get in my walk tonight( even though I run around like a mad woman for 8 hours in the store) Oh and I do drink water.. I make myself have a 710 ml water before I ingest anything else in a day. Three bottles like that in a day are like getting 8 8 oz glasses. I can usually only manage two though.. I really am a hot drink junkie.. it took me the better part of the afternoon to finish my diet coke from lunch. I eventually dumped it feeling it was turning into a snack/grazing sort of thing. --------------------------------- Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
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