Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 792 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] introductions
From: Reinhard Engels
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 04:41:01 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Risa,

Sorry for the delayed welcome, I was in NYC myself (my
home town), visiting my mom, and didn't have much
chance to get online. Nice to have a fellow New Yorker
on board (I know, I know, I'm ex, I don't count).

I'm not going to jump on you about skipping breakfast
because you don't sound like you want to be jumped on
about that, but you can probably imagine what I would
advise *if* you solicited my advice in that

As for the other issue you mention, I too feel
irrationally, miserably guilty if I don't eat
everything I've prepared. But I've found a great
solution: don't prepare that much. I've become
remarkably adept at cooking exactly enough to provide
a single, reasonable plateful for me and my wife (so
she's become sort of an inadvertent nosdieter in this
regard, and I think it's telling that she doesn't
complain or even notice!). I like to cook and find
this approach has an added benefit: I tend not to
crowd the pan as much.

You've seen the urban ranger site, right?


Although I didn't think of it when I lived in New
York, it is the ideal place for it. Take advantage!

Best of luck,


--- lupa <lupa@...> wrote:
> hey all -
> my name's risa and i joined a week ago or so. i'm
> from NYC - the walking city, which is a benefit. 
> i've not yet started on the nosdiet, but for the
> past week i've been trying to get my portion sizes
> down significantly so i'll feel more satisfied when
> i cut out snacking and stay strictly with two full
> meals a day. yes, two - i learned the hard way,
> over many years, that eating breakfast consistently
> makes my appetite uncontrollable, so eating before
> noon is a bad idea.
> i plan to start the diet this coming tuesday, per
> Reinhart's suggestion, and my big issue is not going
> to be sweets or snacks, but seconds. i've developed
> a habit over the years of finishing everything i
> cook if it's possible. i haven't been very good at
> keeping myself to one-person portions! i'm trying
> to get a bit better with that, as well.
> anyway, it's good to be here and good to see a sane
> diet out there. i've never been able to do a true
> diet, since i have some severe food restrictions, so
> this diet works really well for me. thanks
> Reinhart!
> ~risa


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