Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 793 of 3212

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Subject: Re: [nosdiet] RE:breakfast ideas and updates
From: Bonnie
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 07:26:45 -0400 (Eastern Standard Time)
 Dear No S,
If I want a pat of real butter, I go for it. I know it is not my
problem. My problem is late afternoon and evening snacking and Sugar. The
beauty of the No S diet is if I avoid those things the pounds drop!

-------Original Message-------

Date: 05/10/04 06:48:43
Subject: [nosdiet] RE:breakfast ideas and updates

Whoel grain bagels and light creamcheese?
w/ a peice of fruit

cottage cheese and fruit


whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter
and fruit preserves

special k redberries instead of cornflakes

my problem is eating enough at breakfast.. not really a fan of it..

today i had corn bran cereal and a large glass of OJ with calcium
added i was stuffed until shortly before my lunch which was
just peanutbutter and sugar free jam on multigrain bread and
some almonds and raisins on the side

dinner was my sinful meal today..
mashed potatoes
though served with lean ham.. and baked beans..
lots of fiber in the beans to make up for the pats of butter in the
plus it is sunday.. so i could cut myself some slack.. especially
with it being mothers day and me being a mom of 4
i deserved that butter( which was really low transfat margarine
anyway.. i still have this guilt about using fatty stuff though)

i think i am sticking to the basic plan pretty good for a newbie.

three meals

no snacks

no sweets

no seconds

Some of my meal choices have to be a bit better but that will have to
wait until i grocery shop again. Right now i am working with what i
have in the house and what is availble at work to eat when i sleep
in and forget my lunch( d'oh will be trying NOT to do that one again)

have to get my self walking more.. and fitting in some other exercise
but at least now i am moving some.. where as before i was not moving
at all other than at work or doing housework( though that is a lot
considerig my job and having 4 kids.. but my body has adjusted to
that amount of movement.. it needs MORE)

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