Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2674 of 3212

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Subject: Re: Here's your hug, Debbie
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:11:43 -0000

--- In , "crazymom23boys1girl" 
<gobrien25@c...> wrote: 
> Sorry to hear that you had a slip up, Debbie. Here's a big hug! It 

sounds like you were able to see the silver lining in the cloud, 
though. Having that overfull feeling fresh in your memory may help 
you stay on track for awhile. Try not to beat yourself up too much. 
Today is another day. Your slip-up wasn't that serious.

....Thanks Nancy! :)
I wish that the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld was there to say "No Soup 

*seconds* for you!" (ha ha thanks Bonnie!)
Actually, the more I think about it, I realize that this is one of 
the real real ancient bad habits, therefore, a much more dangerous 
adversary... Confession time all. When my mom used to make soup it 
was so delicious... She made all kinds like Potato and fried onions 
soup... mmmmm! and mushroom barley, etc... Well I couldn't resist 
back then either and I used to eat it right out of the pot, with a 
How's that for unaccountability :) (is that a word?)
This seems ridiculous now, but I realize that for a good portion of 
my life, I had a destructive mindset, from total denial, that if it 
wasn't on a plate, it didn't really count! With NoS thank God, this 
old and very stubborn habit, is really starting to get phased out... 
Infact the day before, we went out and got some fast food, but no 
soda for me or extras like fries, and I insisted that we wait an 
extra 5 or 10 minutes to come home and eat it at the dinner table...
Eating on the run is another killer, because it just doesn't seem 
to "count" in your mind... There's a lot to be said about ritual and 

having your food on a plate...
Come to think of it, I wasn't even sitting at the table yesterday, I 
had the soup overdose sitting infront of the tv on the couch! Well 
as you said it was a pretty good lesson, in many ways for me... Just 
so you all know, on the surface I may sound like I'm beating myself 
up over a mere "slip" but really I am just trying to face reality 

and make it very "open and out there" because when I do that, I feel 

more accountable and better in the end... I think I am doing great 
and my personal goal this Winter was simply to *not gain* NoS is 
really helping and I don't intend on giving up... Sorry though for 
all the whiny bitchy crappy sentiments, I don't want to be a downer, 
but hey, you all are my "lifeline" :)
ps. Cat thanks too! Actually it was quite spicy but I didn't want 
to have meat in it this time... Maybe if I had some, it would have 
been different, but I think I can just chalk this one up to just 
going wacko on a very boring cold day, when I needed some warmth and 
comfort :)
Love and Peace (and no soup for me, at least till tomorrow)

I was so hungry because I hadn't eaten a 
> sensible dinner. (All I had was a bowl of ramen noodle soup.) It 
> made me realize that I really need to make an effort to plan 
> nutritious, high-quality meals, and making sure each meal includes 

> serving of protein probably wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
> Have a great day,
> Nancy

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