Everyday Systems: nosdiet: message 2711 of 3212

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Subject: Ivy
From: Debbie Feder
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:54:06 -0000

--- In , "ivyliciousness" <ivy@m...> wrote:
....Hi Ivy! Ah college party days... I guess if you drink enough 
you won't really care about anything! LOL :)
Seriously though.. Another risk with social drinking, which hasn't 
yet been mentioned, is that it usually accompanies snacking of some 
sort...For me personally, if I get a little toasted at a party, I 
generally don't have much self control when some nice chips and dip 
or dessert shows itself... At bars it might be chicken wings and 
mozzarella sticks... Whatever it may be, alcohol will 
probably "strip away" your resolve not to snack, in addition to 

being mighty fattening on it's own..If you seriously want to drop 
pounds, cutting out alcohol except on S days is really what many 
would recommend...And waking up for Biology 101 will be much harder 
with a nasty hangover.. So take it easy with the juice :) 
A glass of wine with dinner probably won't do much harm, so long as 
it's just one...PS.. The more you limit your alcohol, the bigger the 
buzz from less, once your body adjusts.
Have fun posting and good luck with NoS!

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